Category: Social

Are Hindus in Danger?

There is a deep longing in the present world for a dictatorship. People seem to be fed up with liberal democracy. The majority of the...

The Noisy Voices

Everyone focused on having a voice. On having a strong voice. Electronic social media provided a wonderful platform where everyone, even a pig has a...

A Bullshit Called Earth Day

COVID-19 is a nature’s curse on human beings. What in the earth? Do you think that nature is busy thinking about you? Do you think...

COVID-19: Hunger in Quarantine

March 15, 2020 (Rohini and Her Children)I don’t know of developed countries but in a country like ours, a sad and hard fact is that...

The Proof of the Existence of God

I bring in Bertrand Russell in this picture who puts forward his argument regarding the burden of proof as follows (famously known as Russell’s teapot)....

God in a Pandemic Like COVID-19

For the believers, who could spew venom against the believers with different God all day and night, God’s action or role may be or have...

COVID-19 Pandemic: Will it End?

Thanks to the Internet, everyone knows about coronavirus disease 2019 more than the other one. The mutated new royal virus wearing crown emerged from the...