Why Speak Against Religions?

The problem arises when you celebrate an individual or an idea to such an extent that the person or the idea goes beyond the bounds of criticism for you. You simply cannot criticize even the political leader you like if you deify him/ her.

The religions have taken such a position in the minds of people. Paradoxically, it is becoming increasingly difficult to bring religion and religious people into the arena of criticism. It was a lot easier a decade ago or even before that. This phenomenon may be attributed to the global shifting of political inclination towards the right and the development of electronic social media where it is convenient for everyone to have a voice.

But, why criticize religions at all? The people who criticize religion by studying it analytically garner many names such as attention seeker (meaning that the critic is doing so out of vanity), pseudo-secular (a critic might be criticizing the dominant religion around or his/ her ex-religion at the moment thus blamed for not criticizing other religions), libtard (as if being liberal is a sin!), paid agents, demons, etc. This name-calling trait as a reaction to criticism of any religion is majorly due to the lack of appropriate response. One can not have a decent conversation with a person who knows only to bully or beat his opponent. A person believes all his life more than anything that a Leo has a unique trait of strength and you shatter his belief by revealing that astrology is a lie! What do you expect?

Despite all the abuse and threats, it is essential to speak out against all kinds of religions because religions are the major obstacles to human progress. Religions have a clever tactic to escape the criticism by calling itself not a religion but a way of life or something like that. But it is what it is – an escape from criticism! A critic will usually be asked to read scriptures before criticizing it and no matter how many times and how many scriptures you have read, one can never prove it and the people who resist you will never believe it regardless of the fact whether they have read themselves or not.

Religion paves the way for superstition

Religion is a blind belief. One doesn’t need evidence. Every part of the scriptures is treated as self-evident knowledge and the universe itself as a piece of evidence. Which is entirely fallacious. No rational mind would believe everything blindly. Why would a scientist then be religious? A scientist even if is religious is rarely religious in the sense of scriptures, they mostly believe in a governing physical law of the universe and consider it to be the god quite reasonably. But the reason is not what religion demands. All the religions of the world (except Buddhism) equivocally demand devotion. And blind faith is the parent of superstition. All superstitious beliefs have their roots in religions. Theresa of Calcutta believed that contraception was wrong and that women were just childbearing machines – because – she was a devout Christian.

Religion results in unnecessary violence

Religious people associate religion with identity. Scriptures feed the ego and impart a sense of superiority and thus superior identity. No religion gives any space to other religions to be an alternative. If you don’t believe a particular religion then as per that religion you are a demon/ kafir/ infidel etc. – you being lesser human than the believer. Since the sense of superiority pervades each religion, clash of ego thus identity violence is inevitable. The history is proof. Even Buddhists and Muslims couldn’t live together peacefully in Myanmar. All this for something which has not a shred of evidence for being real or existent.

Religion resists reform

Only when threatened by some other religion, a particular religion allows space for reform. It was not until the recent past that Hinduism has been allowing (that too sparsely) the abolishment of the caste system. Many Hindus argue that originally Hinduism doesn’t advocate caste by birth. But it doesn’t matter because what is seen is the most original and what is seen is pathetic. Islam has its own vile Sharia law and Christianity has its awful laws. None of these laws give space for reform for they are the laws – the ultimate truths. And because of the inhuman nature of these laws, reform is mandatory and religion resists the reforms as vehemently as they can.

Religion destroys curiosity thus is anti-science

Since you can find all the answers to the most important questions in the specific scriptures, no need to use your brains! Just go and delve into scriptures. That’s all you need. Questioning is most definitely not allowed. If you are curious about how the universe began or how living beings came. When you have all the answers and all your curiosities are satiated, why would you need science?

Religion is anti-progress

Religion explains to you how the universe came, how life came and what your purpose is. Religion dictates the terms on how you should live your life and it defines what happiness is and what the ultimate pleasure is. It even tells you what would happen after death. Everything is laid out there for you. Why would you need progress? It is not a coincidence that the poorest countries in the world are the most religious.


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